In a peaceful seaside village lived a resourceful girl, Lehua, and her companion, a piglet named Ehu. After their home is struck by drought and famine, they find themselves swept away across the sea to the hidden island, Kānehūnāmoku, home of the gods, Kāne and Kanaloa. In a series of encounters orchestrated by the gods, Lehua’s kindness, bravery, and selflessness are rewarded and provide an example for all to follow. The villagers rejoice when the duo returns and are overjoyed with the wondrous gifts they bear. Travel now to the secret island of the gods, Kānehūnāmoku, and see what wonders will be revealed.
Dietrich Varez has drawn upon decades of study to create imagery depicting Hawaiian folklore and has lovingly hand lettered the text. The simple line drawings are perfect for coloring, however this is much more than a coloring book. Using his original characters, Lehua and ‘Ehu, he has interwoven classic Hawaiian tales into the narrative and provides inspiration to further explore the vast, rich lore of the ancient Hawaiians.
Page Count | 64 pages |
Folded Size | 11.0” x 8.5” x 0.25” |
Binding | Softcover |
Publish Date | March 2018 |
Author | Dietrich Varez |
Publisher | Petroglyph Press |
ISBN 13 | 978-0-91-218077-9 |
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